
对有些事 , 需要睁一只眼 , 闭一只眼 , 这是智慧;可是对有些事 , 不能睁一只 , 闭一只眼 , 这是原则 。

For some things,need to open one eye, close one eye, this is wisdom, but for some things, cannot open one, close one eye, this is the principle.

遇见是两个人的事 , 分开却是一个人的决议;遇见是一个开端 , 分开却是为了遇见下一个分开 。 这是一个盛行分开的世界 , 但是我们都不擅长辞别 。

Meeting is a matter of two people, but separation is a person'sresolution; It's a world of popular separation, but we're not good at sayinggoodbye.


----对有些事 , 需要睁一只眼闭一只眼 , 这是智慧//----海南龙网生活频道 http://life.hainanlong.com

别人都在关注你飞得高不高、快不快时 , 只有他在关心你飞得累不累 , 这是朋友 。 别人关注你钱多钱少、官大官小时 , 只有她在关心你是胖了瘦了 , 那是母亲 。

Others are concerned about you fly high, fast and unhappy, only hecares about you fly tired not tired, this is a friend. Others pay attention toyou more money less, official hours, only she cares about you fat thin, that isthe mother.