
1、in surprise与to ones surprise的区别 。
2、in surprise意为“惊奇地”常位于动词之后作状语,表示方式.如:John turned around and looked at me in surprise.约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着我 。
3、to ones surprise或to the surprise of sb.意为“使某人吃惊的是”、“出乎意料地”,常位于句首,作状语,表示行为的结果.类似的结构有:to ones joy/delight/pleasure使某人高兴的是 。
【surprise的用法】4、有时为了强调产生某种情感的程度,可在to后面的名词前加great,deep等形容词或在to前加副词much.如:To the surprise of the young couple,they found the necklace missing.使这对年轻夫妇惊奇的是,他们发现项链不见了 。
5、take…by surprise的含义:短语动词take…by surprise意为使……吃惊,使……出其不意,对……进行突然袭击等.如:I took him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse.我(的询问)使他出乎意料,他没有时间想出借口 。
6、她对他的粗鲁行为毫无思想准备,以至突然哭了起来.The enemy took the town by surprise.敌军对该城实行突然攻击 。