【我们之间到底怎么了原唱】1、我们之间到底怎么了 , 出自歌曲:waiting in the wings , 歌手:shayne waid 。
2、歌词原文:Shayne Ward - Waiting In The Wings;I believe you'll be there;Tell me what we're doing here anyway;告诉我,我们之间到底怎么了;It seems like for too long we've been playing these games;似乎只有暧昧在发酵;When I reach out to touch you my hand starts to shake;想要触碰你,手却不住地颤抖;Cause it hurts to be this close but still so far away;因为你的心根本不在我这里;It's like I'm in the shadow of his mistakes;为什么我要为他犯的错受罪;But I've got a lifetime waiting for your heart to melt;我会穷极一生等你对我敞开心扉;Cause baby can't you see it's me that you're damaging;亲爱的,不要再伤害我了,好吗 。
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