1、一觉醒来,以为自己长高了 , 原来是被子盖横了 。早安!
When I woke up, I thought I was growing tall. It turned out that the quilt was covered horizontally.good morning!
2、昨天不是刚起过床吗?今天怎么又要起床 。早安!
Didnt you just get up yesterday? How can I get up again today.good morning!
3、早起的人那么多 , 凭什么我是最好看的那个 。早安!
There are so many early risers. Why am I the best one?good morning!
4、大家好,我来表演一个秒醒 。早安!
Hello everyone, Ill show you a second wake up. good morning!
5、起床是一种能力,懒床是一种技术,我能力有限,技术却很高 。早安!
Getting up is a kind of ability. Staying in bed is a kind of technology. My ability is limited, but my technology is very high.good morning!
【有创意的早安简短】6、每天醒来,看到自己的美貌,我的一天又充满了力量 。早安!
Every day when I wake up and see my beauty, my day is full of power.good morning!
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